How do I know if I am eligible?

If you have funding for Support Coordination and Psycho-social Recovery Coaching in the Capacity Building portion of your plan, you are eligible to access Support Coordination. Please send us a message if you are unsure about eligibility.

What is Psycho-social Recovery Coaching

Psycho-social Recovery Coaching is a service focused on goal setting and achievement. These goals may not necessarily line up with your NDIS goals, which allows for more flexibility and holistic approach.

A recovery coach can also support in areas that a Support Coordinator would, but only if you do not already have a support coordinator on your team.

Connection with NDIS and Mental Health Supports

We can connect you with NDIS and mainstream provider, with a particular focus on mental health supports. This can look like the initial introduction, as well as ongoing support and advocating for your specific needs.

Goal Setting

This can include goals that are already in your NDIS plan as well as goals that are not included or related to your disability. This is linked to your overall independence and skill building.

Capacity Building

While different to therapy, recovery coaches can support you to further develop skills such as your resilience, self-esteem, decision-making, and other recovery skills.